MLB is still playing footsie in its own caucus room because they believe the lockout will put pressure on the players to accept a deal that doesn't meet their interests. The players have said very clearly how unified they are. Yet, management continues to propose its own two 1/
big asks: the reestablishment of the CBT and expanded playoffs. Meanwhile it has not addressed paying players earlier (either by a significant increase in minimum salary, a significant bonus pool pre-arb, or earlier arbitration - or all of the above). Union may have acted too 2/
quickly by proposing CBT and expanded playoffs. Management seems to believe they already have those things in the bag so they don't have to give the players anything significant to get them. But, they still do. They still will. Management won't lift the lockout without a CBT 3/
and likely expanded playoffs too. So, we won't have baseball until the owners wake up and start actually meeting the players' interests. Because, although management could lift the lockout at any time, they won't. They don't want Steve Cohen and the Dodgers paying any more 4/
free agents without a penalty in place. So here we sit, waiting for owners to realize they won't break the union, for the umpteenth generation in a row. Owners could unilaterally give us baseball. But, they won't. They want war instead.
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