10 Crypto Trading Lessons.

I have traded Crypto successfully and unsuccessfully for 5 years now and these are the lessons I've learnt.

A thread.
1. If you don't learn to trade, time and manage your positions, you will lose all your bull market profits, eventually.

This will absolutely happen, it's just maths.

The above happened to 99% of class of 2017 people.

Improve or die.
2. You don't need to be a genius to profit here.

Keep clicking, understand the mindset of the proven good traders and research EVERY word they say.

Eventually you'll have a good system to be independent and be on auto Pilot.

Details of trading system https://t.me/EmperorbtcTA/518
3. Make friends.
Make a group with them and discuss, be active and OFFER before you ask for help.

People will help you more when you tell them what you can do for them, rather than just asking for help.

People like Johnnie have made me millions for just listening to them.
4. Which indicators to use?

Horizontal S/R is the most logical kind of tool because it literally is derived from the supply/demand pressure.

Apart from these, use the ones which derive their logic from order flows and not random mathematical statistics.
5. Insight information like Orderflow, Footprints, are a tool and not an edge.

It provides you a scan of orders getting placed and executed but it's not an advantage unless you sit down weeks trying to understand the behaviour.

Trading better comes from market behavior hacking.
6. In the long term, you will make more money by managing risks than by taking more risks.

Market rewards constant small bets more then one degen big bet.

You can recover all your losses if you do it slowly.
Not having enough capital or patience makes the above a risk.
7. There's just one secret to trading.

Keep clicking. Trade a lot. Risk small. Take a lot of bets and keep doing it.

The more you trade, the better you her marinated and ready for the market.
This teaches patience, planning and bring skin in the game. Trade a lot.
8. If you miss a breakout, don't chase it.
Traders who lack discipline simply become chasers and that's a perfect recipe of bankruptcy.

Waiting is the hardest thing in trading which is stupid because there's a new opportunity every hour.
9. Open hundred charts.
Make your levels.
Mark your entries.
Journal it.
Calculate your win rate and the price path the next day.

Repeat it every day and see how you change. Trading is literally just this.

Exercise what you do to get rich.
10. Give yourself time to learn the art before you expect profits from it.

3-4 years is a rational time to. Learn a new skill. Remember this.
I hope the above tips helped you. Was written while I laid on my bed for a power nap.

Thank you, will release the Level to Level trade pdf soon. Apologies that it's taking so much time.

Please read and share the above again and IMPLEMENT IT. PLEASE.
You can follow @EmperorBTC.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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