
Prometheus, son of the Titan lapetus, stole fire from the Gods.

But what is fire in this context? Surely, he didn't just steal a torch from the Halls of Mt. Olympus?

His name, Προμηθεύς, means "forethought".

His name Προμηθεύς = 912/93/12/3 in Greek gematria. 912, broken down, can be interpreted as: Through the service to mankind (9), the individualism, leadership, and originality of the one is made manifest by the unifying energy of the two. Thus reducing down to 12/3 or 1+2+3.
The Triad or Trinity is a fundamental symbol. The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit. The Tetragrammaton (YHWH or IHWH). Mother, Father, Child. The regular triangle's inside angles measures 60° each and equaling 120° together. Broken down, 120/12+0/12/1+2/3.

The Triad is the 3 Mother letters indicated by the Sephir Yetzirah as the first 3 Sefirot in Kabbalah, The Godhead, the Supernal Triad: Kether, Chokhmah, and Binah. The Flaming sword takes this path down to Malkuth.

Kether - "Crown": Divine Will to create/Infinite Light of the Creator/the Hebrew name of God "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh-I Am that I Am.

Chokhmah - "Wisdom": First unbounded flash of an idea before it takes on limitations/male light/divine reality/first revelation/creation from nothingness.

Binah - "Understanding": the infinite flash of Chokhmah brought into the vessel of understanding to give it grasp of breadth and depth/feminine vessel that gives birth to the emotions/reason/understanding brings teshuva return to God.

The mother letters are Aleph (A/1), Mem (M/13), and Sh (S/19). The breath of God (Aleph) formed Mem and Sh and then all other letters followed. Aleph is Air, Mem is Water, and Sh is Fire and surround the seat of the Monad.

Again, Prometheus's name means "forethought". So using what we now know about the Supernal Triad, where Divine Will filters through Wisdom and Understanding, we begin to see what "fire" he actually stole from the Gods.

The Pythagorean theorem is not just an extremely important mathematical equation, but it is also an important philosophical tool.

Pythagoras taught that everything in nature is divisible into three parts, and that all things consist of three, including our problems.

The problem itself is one side. When we see the other point of view, that establishes the second side. Then it is easier to supply the base, which is the answer. “Establish the triangle and a problem is two-thirds solved"

With Holy Will, Wisdom, and Understanding it completes the creative triad: the Holy Trinity.

Only through Understanding are we able to manifest the power of Wisdom and Divine Love in our lives.

To achieve this, we use our voice, which is a primary tool of creation.

Language has important mathematical significance. This is evident in Numerology and Gematria. The frequency that our voice generates sound is of great importance. Meaning can be occulted with frequency and amplitude and even definitions can be changed with simple emphasis.

If the alphabet was generated by God and connected to numerical significance which allows for subtle communication, creation, and collective reasoning, without it, we would not be able to manifest our reality.

The suite of Wands in Tarot signifies Fire. It is the suite of creative endeavors. Its an active energy, tied to Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. It is willpower, innovation, passion and motivation.

So what was that fire that Prometheus stole?

Ah yes, The Alphabet.

/Now/ you know your ABC's & 123's.

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