1/ # Stop focusing on %'s, focus on x's

Theres people in crypto who've been in it years. You can name the big gains tokens of the past 3-4 years and at some point they held them. They understand the game. They've made some okay profits but despite all this they havn't 'made it'
2/ Why does this happen? In the majority of cases its because they focus on percents instead of x's and try to be smart.
3/ They bought $SOL at $22, sold at $35. Bought $DOT at $5, sold at $8. They sold not to go into something better, but because they either didnt understand the narrative or thought they were 'smart'. "It's going to dip because the market is so weak, I'm going to buy back at $4".
4/ Whatever gains they usually string together from these in a green market, are then 50%+ bled out on market downturns as they HODL onto their portfolio. "I should have taken more profits" they'll tell you, "next time I will".
5/ That isn't what screwed them. What screwed them is they are constantly looking at % potential gains, trying to smart, instead of just seeing a narrative for x's, buying in, having some patience and LEAVING IT ALONE to play out.
6/ They find a project that'll likely 10x from here in weeks (and did), but when buying they hesitate if its done huge gains recently, unable to drop thoughts of "I missed out. If only i'd bought 3months ago. 'If it dips 30% i'll buy'. The next of these i'll definitely get in"
7/ They don't enter a 10x opportunity because they can't stop thinking about how they could have gotten 30x. Forgetting the fact its irrelevant what gains its done. Its about what gains it can do FROM HERE AT THIS PRICE.
8/ You will also usually find these people very interested in passive income plays from this 'thinking small' mindset. Seeing the potential for risky %'s, instead of high chance X's. They usually also obsess about $BTC charts.
9/ In times when they're 'early' they do buy in. The token then goes 50% up, 2x maybe. They maybe see some FUD, unlocks, $BTC, the market, they think to themselves 'Its up so much so quickly, it must correct down a little for sure, and things don't look good in the market/future'
10/ So they sell. 4months later when its 20x in price they remember they had it, and wish they had held.

This is how the story of these people play out. One of missed opportunities because they are looking at %'s, and where they should have gotten x's they instead sold for %'s.
11/ They'll have a whole load of excuses they tell themselves on why they haven't made it, 'I held $XYZ too long', 'I didn't take profits', 'Nobody could have foreseen that crash'. The reality is they are not playing the game effective enough, and not making enough profits.
12/ They'll also have many stories where this 'meddling' worked out. 'I sold the top of $XYZ as I knew it would dip. It was obvious'. But they don't realize that this 'guessing the future'/'meddling'/'taking %'s' strategy is the overall reason as to why they havnt 'made it' yet
13/ This DOES NOT MEAN JUST ALWAYS HODL. It means if you are in something with a great narrative for gains, and there isn't anything better around, LEAVE IT ALONE.
14/ When you are buying and selling, stop looking at %'s, zoom out and look at the near term and the x's FROM HERE.
15/ A big part of the reason this happens is people in crypto, especially those very active, can't just leave their portfolio alone. They feel like they need to do something. Be patient. Don't wait around forever, but give the narrative you bought because of, a chance to play out
16/ If you thought 2 weeks ago it was the best use of those funds for the safest surest x's in the near term from HERE, and TODAY you think the same, THEN LEAVE IT TO TRY DO IT.
17/ Everything in my current portfolio can 10x+ in the next few months. I don't care if its 10x up already when I buy. I don't care if I could wait to buy, gamble a dip happening, and get 5% more tokens. I'd rather buy HERE and know I am in a narrative for 10x FROM HERE.
18/ If one of them goes up 50%, I don't care. All I look at in that situation is 'Are the x's to come still the likeliest best opportunity for these funds?'
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