1/ # 2.8 Passive income

One of the dumbest things to be doing in #crypto right now is looking for passive income plays, or being in the them. (I'm not talking about staking a HODL you think will do well. I mean getting in things primarily for the passive income it provides)
2/ I'll start with the big reason its dumb. These few months or years are an opportunity to make life changing gains.

Every quarter that goes by in crypto could be the last that these huge gains exist as we move towards a world of regulation, adoption and less speculation.
3/ By going with your XXX% APR passive income play, you are missing out on a potential 20-200x+ over the course of the time that remains. You might be making 10, 20, 30k dollars a month in passive income, instead of potentially millions. Its dumb.
4/ But theres more.. for many of these passive income plays, when the run is over, your underlying asset/degen shitcoin, is likely to collapse in price also.

Not only that but most of these defi projects have a short lifespan.
5/ When the creators have gotten what they want from it, made their money, they will move on to other things. In 18months it probably won't exist or the token will be a fraction of its current value.
6/ Then to top the whole thing off we have regulations coming over the next few years which will change the whole landscape of DeFi to prevent it having an unfair advantage over traditional finance.
7/ Its like being early in a gold rush to a mine where gold is in huge abundance, but instead of getting the gold like others, making a fortune, you decide to setup a cafe selling drinks to others coming.
8/ Youre going to make $, but it won't be $$$ you should have made + your business is finished when the gold rush ends (Someone always says 'Oh but in the goldrush not many people found gold' - In this mine they do and its easy if you know what your doing).
9/ Do not be dumb thinking what you're getting right now is going to last forever. Seize the opportunity that this market provides.
10/ Don't be the person 5years from now , who when people say "Hey you were in #crypto in 2021, how come youre not rich?", has to reply "oh yeah, I missed out on the big run because I was in a 3x per year passive income play, and after the run the token went from $300 to 5$ :( "
11/ Another comment people often add is 'Well can't I do both?' Why do that? Every single dollar you have is funds that should be earning the best x's possible. There is no reason to put it in a passive income play.
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