1/ # 2.4 The Market

A big part of understanding narratives is understanding the current market and its trends, and identifying upcoming trends in advance.
2/ One of the most common misunderstandings people have is viewing the market as having a fixed condition, that the only variable is your strategy for playing it. This is flawed. The market changes. You have two variables. The current market, and your strategy.
3/ Know the current market. Sometimes its a market for HODLin things with "solid narratives". Sometimes we get mini-altruns for a few weeks, sometimes like now we begin to get a market of greed building towards an alt-run. Use the most appropriate strategy for the CURRENT market.
4/ You need to balance your approach based on the market conditions. In times of lots of red and an 'edgey' market, you need to factor in risk more and be more careful. In those times you want to be thinking more long term and lower risk, "solid" narratives that will come back.
5/ Don't be in things which probably won't.
6/ A big reason people screw up is because they play the wrong strategy for their current market i.e In the rare "market wide altruns" they HODLd instead of "playing the game", or inversely in a "smart money" market they go try "play the degen game" and get wrecked.
7/ Don't just look at the project when researching if its a good buy. Look at the market also.
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