it’s so fucking funny to me that jazz exists in the star wars universe.
what the FUCK is going on
there’s no way. there’s no way. there’s no way
this is such a stupid fucking thing to become the joker over and yet here i am
they could’ve called it jazz. they could have called it grongfungle. they could’ve called it space jazz. they called it jizz. why would they call it jizz
i’m 50/50 rn between “i need someone to eternal sunshine this knowledge out of my fucking brain immediately” and “i shall become our nation’s foremost jizz scholar”
this little pervert. this fucking freak
i have wasted so many fucking neurons on useless star wars knowledge over the years. and somehow i missed. THIS? JIZZ.
do not know what to make of this as my first foot in 2022
ok. now you’re just fucking with me
happy year or whatever. i guess
cannot believe i’ve started 2022 by getting jizzpilled.
my burden
george lucas: his name is droopy mccool. he’s the greatest jizz wailer. he lives and breathes jizz

me: um. ok i guess. hey random question, what will his head be shaped like
we must hold george lucas accountable for his crimes
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