We exist in an open-air electric prison, we suffer under Zeus Occupied Government.

Zeus / Demiurge / Lucifer has hijacked the probabilistic thoughtforms of our Realm, he is the architect, the Seducer in the midst of the mind-matrix.
He has set his own vain images everywhere as bulwarks and false portals between us and the Adamos, the original Edenic andromorphic resonance.
He casts upon us an electromagnetic net that paralyzes and wards us from subtle canalization, or from desperate leaps into the higher etheric planes.
Verily I say unto you there is a being in this world, an ultra-terrestrial entity that feeds on the sacrifices of man.

Here is the Alter of Pergamon, once the throne of Zeus-Satan—
The Orphic myth of the demiurge Phanes, *the Lightning One*, who broke the world egg and fashioned the heaven and the earth from the two halves of its shell, would have been known to Plato when he wrote in his Timaeus about the demiurge who makes the visible world...
And influenced the Gnôstikoi in Alexandria, who produced the Codex Brucianus and the Apocryphon of John.

This Great Archon is called Abraxas, a meaningless name which has the numerical value 365, like Mithras, thus indicating he is a symbol of *cyclic time*, and therefore Aion.
The demiurge is a chimera and a basilisk, a shape-shifter like Zeus. He does not want to be named, so he surrounds himself with an orgy of symbols. But we use the heuristic of resonance, that which resonates the most is the most correct.

And Abraxas resonates significantly.
He is an envious deity, so he takes the accoutrements of other gods for himself.

Yet compulsively it seems he is always returning to metamorphosis and electricity. Notice the similarity to plasma discharge formations.
Here we have a pinecone (representing the pineal gland) and the cosmic thunderbolt together.
"Here is terrible Abraxas. Most violent of Creatures, in him the Creation feels fear of itself. It is Creation's revealed opposition to Pleroma and its nothingness."

—Carl Jung

Here he is depicted in the pose of Baphomet.
Solve et Coagula. Of course archons (and Zeus) are also hermaphroditic.

Here he transmutes into a woman in order to seduce the princess of Arcadia. Note his MKUltra operators with their "love arrows".
What I am telling you is that archons are electrodynamic entities, capable of acting on the brain and nervous system directly. The internet and all these devices are their sexual organs, allowing them to defile and corrupt the generations of man.

We are in a new Enochian Era.
“Where have you come from?” said the LORD to Satan. “From roaming through the earth,” he replied, “and walking back and forth in it.”

—Job 2:2

Archons are able to manifest some type of body beyond just ignis fatuus— liminal flesh, an avatar. Here is Zeus in the form of a satyr.
Well known servant of Zeus, drawing power and secret knowledge from his master, assisted by archons.
Of course Freemasons openly worship a demiurgic figure known as "The Great Architect of the Universe".

William Blake's mythopoesis also reveals his own modeling of the demiurge in the figure of Urizen.
Urizen with a "globe of fire", otherwise known as organized plasma or ball lightning.

"Urizen explor'd his dens / Mountain, moor, & wilderness, / With a globe of fire lighting his / journey"
Milton describes Satan—

[As] a flame,
Which oft, they say, some evil Spirit attends,
Hovering and blazing with delusive light,
Misleads the amazed night-wanderer from his way
To bogs and mires, and oft through pond or pool;
There swallowed up and lost, from succour far.
At some point there seems to have been a war. Or at least Zeus and his archons were more directly antagonistic, especially to cathedrals.
But it appears we lost. I am sure they will eventually remove the copper and lead lining from all the cathedrals, and most importantly, desecrate the sacred geometry that once frustrated these demons.
The Empire State Building, temple to Rex Mundi.
"...in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the children of rebellion."

Ephesians 2:2
"Do what that wilt", "all you need is love" and "freedom" are the messages of the antichrist, the seducer-god Zeus. This is the function of the Crowleyan pseudo-initiation, or virtual induction, we see everywhere—
...to confuse the sacred and the profane, to flood your mind with symbols under the pretense of "entertainment". The mind assigns all these sacred symbols to the category of fiction, alienating your heart from them and robbing you of your grace... dissociating you from the æther
and thereby short circuiting any impulse toward your Etheric Anamnesis. Like the Paschal Mystery, its antithesis—the works and acts of the antichrist—are present at all times and in all places, while transcending space-time.
Upon seeing his fruits out in the world, you would constantly be reminded that our world is ruled by this weird vampiric archon character... if not for the diverting mythopoesis.

Yes, Frodo, I'm telling you Lord of the Rings is real.
It's all real.
"Mythology" and "fiction" are a kind of meta-paracosmos which sequester highly resonant events, or "mythologems" such as The Flood, into a containment field.

The chord is struck but is silenced at the head.
There were giants in the earth in those day, truly Prometheus brought fire to mankind, and was bound.
And Zeus bade famous Vulcan make haste and mix earth with water and to put in it the voice and strength of human kind, and fashion a sweet, lovely maiden-shape, like to the immortal goddesses in face
Next Hermes, artful god, must form her mind,
One day to torture, and the next be kind,
With manners all deceitful, and her tongue
Fraught with abuse, and with detraction hung.
This is why Zeus seduced Mnemosyne: to divide memory into Muses. So that the Academy may say only this memory is History, but that musing is Drama, or that rumination is Astrology, that recognition is Poetry, and that evocation is a Hymn.

(Notice the archon has taken her torch.)
'Mnemosyne', also titled 'Lamp of Memory' by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the inscription reads—

"Thou fill'st from the winged chalice of the soul
Thy lamp, O Memory, fire-winged to its goal."
"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is."

Corinthians 4:4

All we see is his luminous scrying mirror, a world of pure delusion unmoored from the chords of prophecy.
What has happened to our reality is like this: imagine a light shining through Time and Lucifer many-formed has inserted his prism that colors and shifts the beam into a perverse spectrum.
This filter is mapped to invert every shape, every color of that original image. White turns to black, vice becomes virtue, lies are believed true, male becomes female, chaos is order, the artificial supplants the natural.
Vice / iniquity is becoming attached to this black rainbow. We become cut off from the Real, the domain of Christ, our home. It drains our electromagnetic potential, it narrows our creative breadth, it consumes our vitality, increases our density.
Eventually it lowers our mobility within the dream, and ultimately enslaves us to the will of Satan. We become blind to the Light of God, a dead material shell, puppet to the demiurge, an NPC.
What has happened to our reality is like this: imagine a song resonating through time and Satan with timbrels and pipes in him has distorted its chords with electrified instruments.
We live under the occupation of an evil god. Zeus, the shining one, the authority over this once and present world-system— King of Babylon.

We concern ourselves with the demiurgic, sublunar, Zeus Chthonius, of the Diktean cave. So I say he is Fallen.
There is no individuality in the kingdom of Satan, there is only a vortical hierarchy of sociomorphic resonances. Sockets for the draining of souls.

These Hells take the form of cults— fashions, addictions, governments, corporations, websites, MMORPGs, metaverses.
Twitter is a Hell-Cult of the MMO variety. The Hell-Cult you are plugged into is determined by the nature of your vices. Vanity and lust are the most popular vector for entanglement but every vice flattens the mind into neat arrangements with specific rituals and aesthetics.
So at the bottom of all these various Hell-cults is a certain sin. These sins are marshalled according to stage of dissolution. Each generation is governed by a general of Hell.

The boomers were consumed by Bacchus.
Any given sin is at root a psychomorphic resonance, a warped habitus, that subsumes the soul. At the center of the resonance is a form of self-organizing information, a demented sprite, yes, every sin is a demon.
Here in the Labyrinth of Dis everywhere is the crown of a pit, no matter where you stand there is some fiendish geometry subtly tilting into the maw of Dīs Pater.
The will of Zeus-Plouton must always be seeking the most extreme inversion of that habitus of Christ, the antithesis to the mythomorphic resonance of the Savior.

The Beast must rest on the pole opposite Logos or else all his machinery will be pulled into Christ's magnetism.
This is why so many mythological figures tend to default to the Son of man. They are fractal iterations of the Adamos, the perfect image of God.

Be that as it may, only Christ came through perfectly and this is why he is hated by demons.
This is why believing him, resonating with his holy word, restores you to Grace. Remember the sacred history of Christ and you will be saved.
And He said unto them, “I beheld Satan as lightning falling from heaven."
For anyone that would like to further explore the connections between Zeus and Satan, here is some further reading. https://twitter.com/RealHumanSchwab/status/1477928211443073028
You can follow @schuab_dib_.
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