I'm 37 today.

Here are 37 lessons I've learned about life and wealth.

(and becoming a millionaire in my 30s)

1) Everyone around you is playing short-term games.

If you can think long-term, you will win.

No question about it.
2) If you want a remarkable life, you have to do special things.

Most people do what they are "supposed" to do.

That's a quick way to an average life.
3) Once people learn about compounding their money, it changes their finances.

Once people learn that compounding applies to more than just money, it changes their lives.
4) Life is too short to work all your best years at a job you hate with the hope that you can finally do what you want when you're 60.

You don't have to follow that path.
5) They tell you to avoid risk. To take the safe bets.

Fuck that noise.

Risk is the spice of life and one of the greatest accelerators out there.

Just be calculated when you use it.
6) There is not a single object that I have purchased that I treasure more than the experiences/travel/memories I have spent my money on.
7) If you do something BIG, like leave your job to chase your dream:

Some people will encourage you and tell you that you'll crush it.

Some will tell you that's not a safe choice and you should reconsider.

They are both right.

The only difference is which one you believe.
8) Debt, empty bank accounts, dead-end jobs, no investments, living paycheck to paycheck are all incredibly tough things.

They are not, however, excuses to give up.

Starting from the bottom makes victory sweeter.
9) Every day of inaction when there is something burning in your soul to accomplish, is pushing you farther and farther from your dreams.

Stop thinking. Go do.
10) Financial freedom in life is WAY more achievable when you detach your time from making money.
11) Investing your money is incredibly addictive once you get a taste for what it can do in your life.

Embrace the addiction and chase it.
12) Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years. -Bill Gates
13) You will not become wealthy, happy, or free if you just do what others tell you and don't think for yourself.

Listening to others is easy. Easy is what makes average.
14) You have to bet BIG on yourself.

That's the change-maker.

If you won't bet on yourself, no one else will.
15) If you cannot get past your fear of failure you will never be successful.

Failure is just life lessons in disguise.
16) Successful people are optimists.

Success requires you to believe you WILL achieve it.

If you aren't optimistic about your future, then whatever fears you have will come true.
17) It's never too late as long as you start.

Whether it's finding happiness, becoming wealthy, or chasing your dream.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.
18) Harsh truth: Your employer doesn't care about you.

You might think they do... and you might be correct, but most of the time, you're wrong.

They care about you as much as it's convenient. No further.

You better have a plan if that convenience ends.
19) Buy experiences, not things.
20) You can make more from your investments than you do from your job.

But you have to actually start.
21) No one is coming to save you.

Whatever problems you have, are yours.

Don't fear the responsibility. Embrace it.

Taking control is freedom.
22) Find someone who will go on adventures with you.

Life is better when you do.
23) Most of my best decisions in life are things that very safe people around me said were "bad ideas."

Lesson in there.
24) People overestimate what they can accomplish in a year.

However, with consistent effort and a relentless attitude, you will also be amazed and what you can do in a year.
25) Everyone that you think has it all figured out... doesn't.
26) 9-5 jobs are comfort money.

They give you just enough money to make it hard to leave.

Then you buy a house, get a car, have kids. Then it's too much risk to leave the job.

Next thing you know, you blink, and you're 60.
27) Playing it safe is buying a one-way ticket to mediocrity.
28) If you are successful. Haters will be drawn to you.

The moment you start to gain momentum, haters will come out of the woodwork.

Embrace them as a sign of success. Ignore what they have to say.
29) Chasing dreams and success is wonderful.

But if you spend your every waking hour chasing it and you never stop to look around and enjoy life, you will regret it.

Making money rocks, but why make it, if you don't enjoy it?
30) You have to be antifragile. If your whole life hangs on a single job, a single income, or a single failure waiting to happen, you will not make it.

You have to be able to absorb the hits and keep on moving.
31) You can become a millionaire with your 9-5 job... it will likely take a really long time though.

If you want it faster, you need to do your own thing.
32) Money is just a tool. It will not make you happy or complete you.

What it will do is give you options.

Options to go find what makes you happy and fulfilled.
33) We live in the internet era. There are more opportunities that exist than ever in human history, no matter your location or background.

It is absolutely criminal if you aren't soaking up this opportunity.

Don't waste it by scrolling.
34) If you can learn to equate investing your money with joy, you will win.

Make your brain pump out dopamine when you invest your dollars.
35) Patience is SEVERELY underrated.

Everyone talks about patience, but almost none of them practice it.

Patience is the secret ingredient to success.
36) Regularly remind yourself that you will die one day.

Could be at age 85 could be tomorrow

That's how you get the most out of each day.
37) When you finally achieve your goals or your dreams. Stop and enjoy it.

Learn to pause and take it all in.

We get only one life, don't spend it constantly chasing. Enjoy your time.
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