1. Before Project MKULTRA, there was Operation ARTICHOKE.
It was a CIA project that researched interrogation methods.
Preceded by Project Bluebird, ARTICHOKE officially arose on Aug 20, 1951 and was operated by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence.
2. The primary goal of Project ARTICHOKE was to determine whether a person could be involuntarily made to perform an act of attempted assassination (Manchurian Candidate).
3. Frank Olson, a civilian employee of the Dept of the Army, was one the the victims of the experiments.
4. Nuremberg trials took place
Nov 20, 1945 – Oct 1, 1946
Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal (Trials) took place in 1946, as well.
The US presided over the trials.

Operation Artichoke was started in 1951 and was followed by MKULTRA and many others.
6. Japan had syphilis experiments being conducted at Unit 731 during WWII. Gen. MacArthur granted all the Japanese scientists immunity from war crimes prosecution in exchange for the germ warfare data gathered from experiments.
Mind you, the US also had it's Syphilis study.
7. The Tuskegee Experiments began in 1932 and would continue until exposed in 72.
That was not the only US experiment on syphilis however. There was also the Terre Haute Prison Experiment and experiments conducted in Guatemala.
8. US started experiments in Guatemala August 1946, ironically during the SAME TIME that they were leading the Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials.
9. Nuremberg 2 is a pipe dream when the drug dealers in charge of peddling their experiments are in fact the ones creating the drugs.

The US GOV makes us fear other countries access to bioweapons when they, in fact, took over where Germany and Japan left off.
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