· The Don't Do List ·

[Ignore this if you want to keep on repulsing women]

/ T h r e a d /
1] 🍆 Pic

A woman won't ever react to the pic of your 🍆 the way you react to her nudes.

And of course, she won't be the only person seeing that picture.

If you don't want to lose respect - don't ever do this!
2] Simping

Women don't want you to chase and run after them.

They don't want you to be obsessed with them or be their little puppies.

They don't want you to be needy - that's the biggest turn off.
3] Boyish Clothes

Women want men who dress like grown, mature men.

They don't want a man who'll wear baggy clothes, shirts with childish pics on them, etc.
4] Creepy Sex Talk

Yes, women do love dirty talks.

But doing it at the wrong time or too soon will creep her out.

So, unless you're 100% sure she's into you - don't do this.
5] Touchy

If you're on a first date and you start touching her leg...?

Don't be surprised if she never calls you back again.

If she's a genuinely nice, feminine, shy, good girl - she doesn't want to be touched by a man she barely knows.
6] Tons Of Texts

The more texts she gets from you, the less she wants to receive them.

If she's not replying to your texts - move ON.

There are plenty of women who'd want to receive your texts.

Don't spend your time on this one.
7] Try To Impress Her

You will actually impress a woman once you stop caring about impressing her.

Taking her to expensive restaurants and wasting a lot of money on her won't make her impressed by you.

She'll only want to use you for your money.
8] Speak Silently

Women love rough, loud voice with confidence.

Once she hears your soft, silent voice...

She'll be immediately repulsed.
9] Bad Posture

You'll look a lot better once you straighten your back and once you fix your posture.
10] Look Down & Act Shy

You're showing with your strong eye contact how much of a confident man you are.

And she adores you because of it!

And there's nothing worse than a man who's acting shy.
11] Don't Ask - Tell

Stop saying:

"Where do you...?"
"When do you...?"
"Whatever you want!"

And start:

"We're going..."
"Be ready at..."
"Wear that nice dress..."
Thank you for reading!

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