The unconventional route to attaining the top 1% of focus, performance, and satisfaction in life.

— Thread —
Before we start - this is part 3 of the Optimal Experience thread series.

I will link to parts 1 and 2 at the end of this thread.

For now, understand the need for meaning, money, & time in your life.

You need to be in control of your day.

All will be explained.

Read on:

Most people are a slave to their conditioning. They've taken on habits, biases, beliefs, and more that are not their own — but others.

Attachment, identification, poor nutrition, and lack of movement result in a low-energy, lifeless state.
Study mindfulness, breathwork, and spirituality to reverse the negative effects on your mind.

Dive deep into philosophy and gain a deeper understanding of how the mind (and world) works.

This results in a focus on meaning (because you are currently focused on the meaningless).
Weight lifting, cardio, and long walks help with mental clarity and bodily function.

Plus, you just look good — and feel good.

Consistent movement + increasing your cardiovascular capacity + and resistance training = higher energy.

Plain and simple.

I got this wrong for so many years. Followed the IIFYM trend.

Ate 2 sausage egg McMuffins from McDonalds each morning. Frozen burritos for lunch. Uber Eats for dinner.

I looked and felt fine, because that was normal to me.

It took awareness and drastic change.
What cleared up my skin and made me feel like a new man:

Nutrient dense animal products:
- Eggs
- Sardines
- Raw liver
- Bone broth
- Grass fed beef
- Goat milk kefir

- Kimchi & fermented foods
- Raw honey
- Berries, pomegranate

Game changing.
"Dan, isn't this expensive?"

Yes. Fairly pricey.

But, you need to be honest about how much you are spending on "cheap food"

My Uber Eats addiction, grocery, and fast food cost more than the grocery list above.

Plus, I'm investing now for a lack of medical bills later.
This stresses the importance of self-employment and an uncapped income.

Mind, body, spirit, with business as the vessel for freedom.

A good product or service


Leveraging the infinite potential of the internet for distribution


As much money as you want given iteration.
It takes time to transition into this, so for now, if you are tight on money use these guidelines.

- Eggs
- Lean ground beef
- White rice
- Veggies

Pick more from the list above.

It's not as expensive as you think.

This should be top priority anyways, budget for it.
You must also take fundamentals and into account.

- Adequate quality sleep
- Proper hydration
- Stress management
- Dopamine management (screens, porn, social media)

All are absolutely crucial.
Given a month of practice of everything above, you will start to feel better. Much better. Mind-blowingly better.

You increase your baseline operating state and open up room for the rest of this thread's teachings.

This alone will change your life.
Why does energy come first?

Because you need to understand your natural high / low energy shifts.

Do you work better in the morning or night?

Are you consistent with training and movement in the morning or night?

Energy management comes first.

Now comes the 'design' part of lifestyle design.

Grab a pen and paper and start structuring your day accordingly. You need clarity to make this habit.

The brain loves familiarity. It automates our decision making and good choices.
Most are stuck in a loop of thousands of negative choices on a daily basis

You can be one of the few that makes thousands of positive choices.

Negativity digs you into a hole, positivity compounds — taking you to the moon.

Start with one positive choices and let it snowball.
Your mornings are arguably the most important time of the day.

You don't need a full fledged guru morning routine right now.

What you need is intention. What you do the night before will reflect what you do in the morning.
Have something purposeful waiting for you when you wake up, a reason to wake up.

This is usually project based. Projects around your health, wealth, and relationships.

- Go on a morning run
- Prepare breakfast for the family
- Write (like I am right now) for an hour
Now, you need structured and scheduled times for energy-related activities

- The gym / exercise
- Focused work
- Learning new skills
- Unfocused work
- Reading, silence, sunlight

All require a specific energy from you, high or low.
When your baseline energy is high, you can more accurately craft your activities around the natural highs and lows throughout the day.

In my experience, mornings are for focus, afternoons for movement & unfocused work, and evenings for learning & relaxation.
Write and plan these out to the best of your ability right now.

Implement this for a week or two.

Track and reflect on things that went well in your diet, work, mood, and energy levels.

What get gets measured gets improved.

Once we've tested for a bit, we have feedback that we can improve on.

This is where most go wrong. Something isn't working and they want to change everything.

We want a high baseline from the start, then start changing things one at a time.
If working out in the morning doesn't work for you, try it in the afternoon or evening.

If focused work doesn't work in the morning, try it later.

Same goes with everything.

Macro and micro.

If foods, exercises, hobbies, etc don't work for you — test something new.
This is an incredible way of gaining self-awareness. You have to be honest with yourself on what is working and what's not.

When you find the things that DO work, you can systemize them.

Invest in courses, coaching, software, tools, gadgets, and the rest to help you double down
Through habits, routines, and rituals — you start to become a machine. Executing on high ROI tasks that will move you towards your vision.

(Which is part 1 of this series below)

If you enjoyed this thread, consider retweeting the first tweet below
Part 1

The Creation Hierarchy
Part 2

The One-Person Business Model
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