Why have ZERO members of congress thought about questioning our Director of National Intelligence & her ideas at the annual Event 201: Pandemic Simulation in OCT 2019?

Why was she there? What purpose does someone with an intelligence background serve at a pandemic exercise?
Part 2 of our Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines at the annual Event 201 Pandemic Simulation in 2019.
DNI Avril Haines was sitting next to China's CDC director at Event 201. George Gao says,

-some people may say the virus was man-made & cites example about ebola
-make sure the health care workers have the "right information"

Who decides what is "right information"? China?
LISTEN TO THIS WHOLE THING IN CONTEXT. Our Curent Director of National Intelligence in a 2018 speech 👀.

Then reflect on the previous 3 posts with her ideas at the annual 2019 Event 201: Pandemic Simulation.

She needs to be questioned.
-2018, said an infectious disease was the #1 national security threat to the USA (see previous 🧵 posts)
-2019, DNI Haines attended Event 201 Pandemic Exercise and HAD TERRIBLE IDEAS.
-2020, 2 theories for origin of C19: emerged naturally or lab accident
Congress needs to #InvestigateHaines

Question how much involvement she has in USA pandemic policy. As an intelligence player, what was her purpose at event 201? Why centralize info? Etc. Etc.

Questions should be asked.

If I die, I didn't kill myself.
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