Do you see this CPUSA? This is your destiny. This is the only reason for your existence now.
This is what's wrong actually.
Watch them writhe like worms and seethe. They hate the fact Communism doesn't turn everything into colorful jellyfish and isn't the adobe of their disgusting personal fantasies.
I made a more inclusive image for the left-wing snowflakes who feel this image is not representative of their personal fantasy. Here is the correction
Wait until these people find out it was drawn by a Chinese artist. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
LEFTOIDS: We are going to rebuild Communist Party in America and you won't be a part of it. We will pass you by. Save this tweet and mark these words. Infrared is Rising.
Wait until he finds out.
Literally EVERYONE hating on this image has an anime pfp. These are genocidal neo-nazis who are the enemy of mankind. They instinctually writhe at this photo. They are the future of fascism in America.
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