How you can make $400k+ and $10k+ a month with a little elbow grease

While doing what you love ⬇️
1. A well monetized email list can pull $1 per subscriber per month

We are going to write a weekly newsletter that you love working on

And people love reading
2. pick a niche you love

You love crypto? Perfect.

You are now going to set up a Google alert for keywords in your niche
3. Every week, Google will email you popular articles about whatever you asked it to

Now you go through and pick what’s the most interesting to you

Pick 5 of them

But what are we gonna do with them?
4. We are going to go over to convert kit and open an account

Here we are going to put together a weekly crypto round up

With all of your favorite articles as the main focus of the content
5. Now you may be asking

“Other people content in my newsletter?!”

Yes…you are going to be an aggregator

Ever read The Hustle, or Morning Brew, Robinhood Snacks, The skim? The list goes on, but they ALL aggregate content and give it context.

U will do the same…
6. OK! So now we know how to create our weekly newsletter.

But we still need to know how to monetize it

And of course how to grow it…
7. Let’s start with monetization!

Well first off, as you grow you can sell sponsorships directly FOR SURE

But in the short term? Let’s head over to offervault and find some affiliate offers related to crypto
8. Sign up for some and start placing ads for them in your newsletter!

Integrate a small section about it with some copy in the newsletter, and add a banner add at the top.

Morning Brew does this:
9. Ok now we have this alllll set up to make us some money!

But how do we get subscribers…

Can obviously try Facebook if you have the budget.

You may decide that it doesn’t make sense to run paid though until you get more organic traction….but how…
10. You will get traction organically on your website by being part of communities!

Twitter, Reddit, Facebook groups

Pick your niche and find Communities based on it and join them!

Found almost 1M Potential subscribers in 10 seconds here

Provide value, ask questions, be normal

And then ever now and then make a post that links back to your newsletter

People will sign up! And if you do a good job they will love reading and sharing it…
12. Keep at this, this works. I’ve acquired well into xxx,xxx subscribers like this

But I’m sure you all want to know how you get to $100k in revenue?

Well let’s look at some quick numbers…
13. If you are really putting in a few hours of work a week here.

I can promise you that getting 100 subscribers a week is MORE than reasonable.

On a good DAY my website flipping newsletter does 200 new subs…
14. 100 new subs over 52 weeks is

5200 subscribers

Over 104 weeks? 10400

“But some will unsubscribe”

Yes you’re right…but I’m just laying out a framework here…

How much are 10k subs worth?!…
15. 10k subs in the crypto space!?

Would be worth A LOT

Like a lot a lot. As of now, my website flipping newsletter brings me $22 on average per each free organic sign up.

But let’s say they are worth $1 a month to you…
16. So in the first 24 months of writing your weekly newsletter

That’s only 100 of these, the math breaks down to you making over $100k+.

And by the end? You have a newsletter that brings you a consistent $10k a month with only a few hours a week of work

But you want more…
17. We decide to sell it!

Maybe we build or buy a small blog focused on crypto and then start sending readers to the blog!

Now we have a nice little business easily worth $360k

And we flip it to a new buyer who wants to grow it more!
18. Now you don’t HAVE to buy a small crypto blog to tie to it

and you don’t have to sell the newsletter at all if you don’t want to.

But if you do this, you have a semi passive life changing cash cow….
19. We made $100k in the first 2 years

+ now the newsletter is worth $360k

Our total income when selling is


20. Ok let’s assume some unsubs, and you spend money on email management and maybe a small crypto blog to tie it all together with a bow

You still easily made $400k

It’s truly this simple

It just takes time and consistent effort

Anyone can do this…
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