In the coming weeks, they’ll make existence insufferable for the unvaccinated: we already can’t work (LA), can’t even go out to eat, and pretty soon they’ll make vaccination mandatory to receive any pandemic related benefits.
They’ll simply “remove us from circulation.”

This genocide is just punishment for non-conformity.

How can I fear a disease or vaccine when the government has made it clear that they’ll kill me one way or another.
And the meek cheer it on. They hate bravery; resistance; courage; all things they don’t have and they root for the state to hunt it out and kill it…because they don’t have it in them to say no.
People I used to be friends with, some that even helped me through tough times wish me dead because I don’t want to take drugs with them.
They’re killing the very thing that makes us US: our freedom to think for ourselves; choose for ourselves; be ourselves.
You can’t scare me with death when you’re already not letting me live.
And they’ve made us HATE each other more and more along the way. They won’t ever have to load us into trains; they’ll convince us that we’re each other’s enemy and we will do their dirty work for them.
“Get the vaccine, or die!” They say.

But I ask “what’s my incentive to live? To watch my country and everything it stood for get raped to death in front of me?”
If death arrives at my door, I’ll invite him in for dinner, kiss the Mrs. goodbye and probably smile for the genuinely first time in two years.

Because seeing all of my friends that died living sounds better than what I see on the horizon.
You can follow @JoshDenny.
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