Everyone has an agenda. A plan. Even if they’re aware of it or not.

Women do it insticually.

They want to make men cucks that pay and let them have friends and fun

Men want to make girls subservient. Loyal although they’re cheating with younger females.

A girl that wants to make a cuck out of you will:


Request more & more time from you.

Especially in the moments when you could have been with other bitches (weekends, holidays etc.)

Tell you that your friends are a bad influence

Especially the ones that have bitches

She’ll probably be ok with the weaklings that don’t cheat.

Try to brainwash you into believing in "stability”.

She’ll say things like “you should act more mature”

“You could have made more money if you weren’t chasing pussy”


Try to inflate her value in order for you to see her as more important than she really is

She’ll say things like

“Look I’ve been with this guy (a guy richer than you) and he was faithful, never cheated on me”

Try to attack the other female orbiters ( ex. females that follow you on IG, females from the past, females from work)

She’ll say things like

“X is a hoe she fucked Y and he dumped her”

“Z is ugly. Don’t you see she looks like a racoon”

Make you jealous in subtle ways

She’ll make you aware that other high status people are trying to have her

“This guy with a Lambo liked my picture”

“My boss said I’m pretty”


Compensate for all her bad intentions and for her agenda that undermines yours, by doing small little gestures that make you feel like you’ve found you soul mate

Ex. She’ll prepare your favorite meals, she’ll do some sex shit she knows you enjoy etc.
At the end of the day.

You want a female that’s young, hot and loyal even though you’re not. (I also want money cause I’m a pimp)

If your woman isn’t this. And doesn’t bring value.

You can follow @joe_lampton.
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