Maldives has been a 100% muslim country for over 800yrs. When my mom n aunt married, they married when they were 15y, 14y or 13y. But in year 2000, a law introduced that makes anyone below 18y cannot marry unless allowed by judge under certain conditions.
Then recently, the law was replaced by a new law which did not allow anyone (male or female) below 18y (not Hijri but Gregorian calendar) to marry, even if the parents want. Then what happened was, a 23y old man married a 17y old & the wife got pregnant.
There are NGOs also in Maldives under the name of defending human rights or women rights, some of the links I have given below. Pls note that I won't trust everthing in their reports n statistics 
In Govnt strategic action plan, NGO Uthema is a party to the education curriculum update. There is uproar against MDN & Uthema among many ordinary Maldivians becos they are seen more open in propogating fahisha n defaming Islam
So called Women rights NGOs and state institutions are VERY sloppy in ensuring that men r held responsible in spending on their wives n children, especially in case of divorce. So u see their intention is not really to help women
In short, do not think the problems is worse in non-muslim countries. In non-muslim countries when they ban hijab, we knw d rulers r non-muslims. But when the religion is distorted in a muslim country and man made laws are forced, what is the option available for muslims
Unfortunately, we have only few like @MansurMaliki but many Uthman Farooq in the muslim world
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