scott cummings was an academic involved in community organizing. in the late 70's he arrives at a place in texas he calls "Rosedale," which is experiencing the exact same process of demographic transformation as dozens of other cities in america at the time.
community center meeting. he is discussing problems elderly residents are having. notice his own reaction and his reporting of other academics' reactions. this was in the late 70's btw.
this was an actual response from someone in a position of responsibility. also note the retort that real concern shouldn't be for the people but rather an imagined backlash (that has never come).
imagine being a sincere post 60's liberal and this is the outline of the book you write because you saw it all first hand lel
in approx. 30 years a city goes from 98% white to 12%. again, it must be remembered that this transformation is not unique at the time. this is happening in many places simultaneously.
long excerpt here but crucial. he actually cites nisbet. this is how communities were, in fact, destroyed. he even admits that technological & industrial change were at best secondary causes. it was race and violence.
the people who could not engage in "white flight," which is a pure propagandistic euphemism, were left behind. a lost position, without hope, without rescue as vesuvius erupts.
the analogy with a volcanic eruption is in fact closely related to the psychological impact of race and violence. extreme grief, coping mechanisms, etc. exhibited by the white residents of rosedale paralleled how people react to their homes being destroyed in natural disasters.
this is what a true concern for community integrity looks like. not the meaningless and bastardized form invoked by people who in all likelihood support the things which actually destroy it. but yeah I forgot it's only about "edgelords" wanting to say slurs online, right?
while spending pages on the extreme fear felt by white residents, the author seems to attribute their precautions (locking doors, barring or even boarding up windows, never going out at night, etc.) to a kind of racial phobia inherited by white southerners. then he ends with this
have to include this story he writes while describing the southern racial code elderly whites are clinging to. white woman being beaten up by her black bf seeks help from her neighbors. coal, toll, etc.
partial description of the reality for millions of people after the civil rights movement. this is its actual history, everything else being state and corporate propaganda. even calling this 'crime' is a misnomer, it was a state sanctioned violent occupation.
it's worth noting that in this chapter the twin pillars of liberal assumptions about race & crime: that it's motivated by poverty & that it's over-reported or over-prosecuted by police, are both directly contradicted. meaningless violence & apathetic law enforcement.
an embarrassing testament to the new normal of post 60's america, police had to admit that there wasn't only *one* serial rapist in rosedale. the excerpts show one man whose crimes were fueled by media blood libels against whites, and another who used a hate hoax as cover.
all of this should be read in light of media propaganda that crime is a function of poverty or motivated by deprivation. we're talking about wanton violence against people over 70 or 80, including violent rape. it has nothing to do with material want.
in 1982, gangs of teenagers (oldest was 21) began breaking into people's cars and homes and brutally murdering them. the last excerpt is an eye witness testimony from a 15 year old who was involved.
true insight into the depraved psyche of the white liberal. racial paternalism is used as an indirect apologia for unspeakable violence. nebulous concepts are analogized with real people as a coping mechanism in an undiluted confrontation with reality.
this entire chapter is like this, utilizing clichés about poverty and broken families, lack of elderly supervision, etc. reminder that the implication here is that anyone who lacks supervision or who inhabits a fractured enough social setting may begin gang raping old women.
legitimately not worth going into any of the particulars of the bureaucratic organizations, funds (including a subsidiary of the ford foundation called SEEDCO) & "investment" done in an attempt to "revitalize" rosedale. it was a sick joke that could do nothing other than fail.
somehow beyond all reason, no show management jobs, architectural renovation on main street, and a few new sidewalks did NOT fix a neighborhood where old people were being stabbed to death in their own homes. scientists are still attempting to diagnose "what went wrong."
if you're an old enough millennial, you might recognize this. this is the process that created neighborhoods filled with abandoned houses and buildings in the 80's and 90's. and then the influx of drugs made these places hubs of black market activity and violence.
you could've guessed by now, but we finally have a population of people willing to move into the new and improved rosedale.
they finally achieved it. they finally got their diversity.
local officials and neighborhood figures say the real problem with rosedale is that its *image* needs renovation because it has been unfairly distorted by the media due to racism. "it's like watts..."
none of this is really important, it's all meaningless. they already destroyed this place with no possibility of fixing it. but it is interesting to see how the 80's & 90's pop culture of whites feeling good about "helping" ghettos developed. it was everywhere in tv, movies, etc.
mass influx of drugs like crack gave an impetus for more organization among gangs, creating a parallel market for crimes like robbery, rape, murder, which were now increasingly related to gang activity. this is like documenting how maggots form on a corpse shortly after death.
the last 2 chapters of the book illustrate the author's unbelievable cowardice & moral bankruptcy. here he implies a parity between the racial biases of elderly white residents of rosedale and the people violently preying upon them. "white flight" as a *cause* rather than effect.
the last passage of the book. an honest admission of the reality of unprecedented violence but only coupled with a typical 90's/00's exhortation for fathers to step up (obama said this several time, it would be considered racist today).
this thread is too long, I know. but if you read most of it you'll know why I posted it. human social life is an organism that cannot be butchered & rearranged without being killed, and the official history of its demise has been one unending lie.
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