🔞 Tw for forced mating, dubcon, implied domestic abuse bc omegas are mistreated

Omega Yoon running away from his traditional home to the big city where he meets ot6 https://twitter.com/kittyyoongles/status/1412101376545591303

Yoonie grows up in a secluded community - they live far away from any bigger or smaller cities, just a few clans in a tiny village with extremely strict traditions and rules, and as an omega he's completely oppressed.

He's not allowed to choose his own partner, like any other
omega he gets married off to an alpha his family chooses, and he's not allowed to date or touch any alpha before his mating day, or even touch himself in any way, to remain pure. Before that day, Yoonie has to wear specific clothes and has a strict diet plan, to keep himself
pretty for his future mate, and after that he will have to cover up in respect to his alpha, as a sign for other alphas that he's claimed, since his body will then belong to his mate only.

And the hierarchy is strict, he isn't allowed to look anyone above him in the eyes, and
out of courtesy he always keeps his head held down, only holding eye contact with other omegas and his mother when he speaks.

After receiving only minimal homeschooling, just enough to read and write, all omegas stop as soon as they present, to get taught how to
take care of the household and pups instead. That'll be their whole life then, only being there to serve their alpha and to carry their pups. It's seen as immodest to do anything that's fun - no books or TV or mobile phones; most don't even have one and no Internet access either.
So the day finally comes where Yoonie meets the alpha his parents chose, and that day, after the pre-mating ceremony, their mating night follows. He's so excited albeit a bit scared of the future too, but he's sure it'll be just like he always dreamed about!

Oh how wrong he
is. Yoonie isn't prepared at all.
There's no kissing, no soft touches, only a command to present himself. He barely produces enough slick for it to work because his alpha doesn't care to get him wet or prepped enough, there's no foreplay at all.
And Yoonie never got any
education about this, about his own body, only told time and time again that he has to make his alpha feel good, so he thinks that's normal and just how it goes. His poor heart is beating so loud and he shivers in anticipation, but what follows takes his breath away.

Panicking a
little, he says that it hurts, to stop, but his alpha doesn't listen, he doesn't give a shit about him, knotting him anyway.

Yoonie is heartbroken. He hurts and cries afterwards, terrified when he's bleeding a little bit, and can barely calm down enough to sleep that night. He
always thought his mated life would be amazing, but it turns out his alpha doesn't care about anything when it comes to him, and there is no love, no affection, only serving him.
At some point just a short while later the opportunity comes up for Yoonie to run away. He didn't even plan to, it simply just came to be and in a nerve wrecking heat of the moment he takes that chance and begs the only person he trusts for money (his auntie, who has never been
as strictly traditionalist and doesn't ask him any questions), and then Yoonie packs his bags and flees to a big city far, far away.

So imagine what a shock he's getting when he arrives there. He doesn't even know where to look at first, there's so many big, high buildings,
loud cars, weird sounds and sights, so so many people! It's intimidating and thrilling at the same time, he's so curious and intrigued by all those things he's never seen before, even if he's overwhelmed.

He's so deep in his head, trying to process everything without even
knowing where he's going to at the moment, that he accidentally walks right into the chest of a stranger. Already dreading he's going to get disciplined for that, he looks up absolutely terrified, but it turns out that the stranger isn't angry at all, and the other five he's with
aren't either. Quite the contrary, they ask if he's alright and needs any assistance, introducing themselves as Seokjin, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and their leader Namjoon, a small pack of alphas and betas who live together nearby. Although Yoonie is wary and doesn't
trust they mean well, he still tells them the truth, or at least that he left his old home and came to the city to start anew, so he's just looking around aimlessly at the moment, trying to take everything in. He's in desperate need for a place to stay so they offer him the free
room in their dorm, and he can't even believe the kindness, in deepest gratitude wanting to give them all the savings he has (in total not even entirely 50 bucks..)
Everything feels so foreign to him, the way everyone lives, without those traditions and strict rules, and how no one is treating him as someone inferior. It's so odd!! Here omegas can get a work, vote, can 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦 and decide over their own body and life. There's things
unknown to Yoonie, like mobile phones and internet and clubs and weird music and so much more that he has never experienced before. At first he has a hard time getting rid of old habits, still does things like avoiding the other's eyes because they're betas/alphas and therefore
higher than him, and submitting himself at every little gesture he misreads, or blindly following every order that isn't actually an order but he doesn't realise yet.

Yoonie is always kind of expecting the others scold him after they let him try new things, but it turns out
that fear is irrational because they're so open and kind and genuinely warm, and they're living in such an unconventional way anyway that they're chill with anything (like that they have dyed hair and piercings and tattoos and wear whatever clothing style they like, there's an
alpha/alpha couple and a beta/beta couple (???) and one of them says he's not interested in getting a mate at all (?!!!) and it's blowing Yoonie's mind)

They don't even stick to a strict hierarchy, apart from having a pack leader, they're almost entirely equal. The first time
one of the betas says "fuck you" to one of the alphas Yoonie freezes in fear, expecting a huge fight to break out, but - they just giggle and flip each other off! That's unheard of for Yoonie, in his old pack there would've been no room for anyone to say something against a
member of higher rank! For him it's even hard to say what he wants all, no matter how small, like when they finish eating and he's still hungry but didn't dare to ask for more.
So when they find out about that, they start encouraging him to speak up and always ask for his
opinion, until he understands that what bothers them isn't when he doesn't like something, but the fact that he doesn't say so, and they praise him so much when he 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 manage to speak up that Yoonie slowly gains some confidence.
(the first time he managed to stutter out
"Could I please... I.. want. More. Rice.... please." everything went dead silent for a moment before the others absolutely flipped out in surprise and pride, while he just smiled slightly embarrassed, but proud of himself too)

After slowly opening up, and together with their
constant encouragement and help, Yoonie starts to completely reject all of his old traditions, does everything he ever wanted to and didn't knew he'd wanna do - he cuts off his long hair, dyes it blonde, goes to concerts and dances to music that fascinates him, he eats junk food
for the first time and gets a tiny tattoo, says what he thinks and if he doesn't like something and wears whatever the fuck he wants to and he kisses one of his packmates (Hoseok) and um maybe he thinks he likes him a bit?

Just Yoonie trying all kinds of things for the first
time with his eyes wide and shock written on his face while he hesitates all intimidated only to end up having so much fun with a huge gummy smile!

It's only that sometimes he feels a bit sick and has some other weird symptoms... so after one (joked) suggestion of the others he
buys a pregnancy test and... oh god, turns out he's actually carrying from his mating night...

He's so so scared and cries his little heart out but the others reassure him that they'll take care of him and the pups, that he won't have to go through this alone, and he gets
cuddled every night in his nest as they watch TV, with lots of ice cream and chocolate and whatever else he's craving.

Something between him and Hoseok starts developing over time, he takes it super slow with Yoonie to not make him feel forced, and he doesn't even have any sex
with him yet, more so after they find out about his pregnancy; but for both of them it's obvious they feel something for each other. And to Hoseok it doesn't even matter that Yoonie's carrying some other Alpha's pups.
And when he does get his pups, they're all there for him. They all make him feel so safe and loved and free, he couldn't be any more relieved and happy.
He can almost forget about his old pack. Almost.
They've been looking for him the whole time, searching the whole country, his mate and a brother always on the road trying to get any trace of Yoonie.
After some intense research they do locate him, but when they find out about
the pups and his new pack, they want to forcefully take him back home.
Luckily for Yoonie, the others won't let him be taken away and fight back. It's very ugly, both groups getting wounded badly, poor Yoonie is so so scared, crying and growling in fear and clutching his pups

But in the end, it's just 2 against 6, so his mate and brother loose the fight, forced to retreat in shame.

He can't even believe what happened. It was so scary and he's worried when he takes care of all their wounds, concerned most about Hobi since he got hurt the
worst after fighting off his mate, but it's all fine and they reassure him it's over, that no one will come looking for him again and he's safe now. Hobi holds him close and wipes away the drying tear tracks over his cheeks, telling him he'll never let anything bad happen to him
or the pups ever again.

After that, at some point he starts doubting himself despite how well everything goes. It's just because of all the newly uncovered trauma, he starts doubting he's fit for this foreign world, that he can even take care of the pups, that he won't have to
go back some day because either his new pack will get bored of him, or his mate returns with more people from his old pack. He needs some time to realize it really is over, that he's not alone anymore but with 6 people who protect him, and his pups he has to provide for.

he works through his initial fears, it turns out that everything works out quite naturally, and with how comfortable the others always make him feel, it's almost easy. He learns to say his thoughts, but also to ask for help now, to say when he needs a break, and the others always
jump to help him with anything.

One thing he tries only after a long time is having sex, and when he does try it with Hobi, it's way different. They used to kiss a lot before already but now he's getting touched so softly and carefully, kissed everywhere, and the pace is so
slow it helps him relax, feeling safe enough with the alpha anyway. He gets him so so wet Yoonie didn't even know he could make such a mess of the sheets, and they didn't even properly start yet? Hoseok only fingered him slowly, then ate him out until he came with a surprised
cry. It's almost like an epiphany for Yoonie, that it can (should) feel this good. This heat coiling in his tummy was so weird at first, and he got scared for a second when he felt like something would come out of him down there, but Hoseok reassured him to just let it happen,
and he was right - it felt so good. They don't stop there, because Yoonie is curious now, and it keeps feeling good, and he tells Hoseok to do more to which the alpha just all too gladly complies.
Something from a while ago from Moon and I's chat that I saved and refurbished a bit, originally inspired by a netflix show I had watched :3
Hope you liked it!!!

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