Cis women talking about how horrifying it is Brittney Spears can't have her IUD removed.... I hope you have the same energy for trans women in desperate need for uterus transplants to be developed and made available for us
Idk people might think this is an "edgy" stance for me to have or whatever but when fighting for reproductive rights, pushing for the development and wide availability of uterus transplants for us trans women is just as important as abortions. We deserve to have that choice too
Our reproductive needs and our reproductive rights are just as important as the reproductive needs and rights of anyone else
Uterus transplants for trans women are absolutely medically possible!!! and sooo many people, from trans men to cis women, I've seen wishing they could donate their uterus to a trans woman. The only thing standing in the way is transmisogyny
Transmisogyny that acts like our reproductive needs aren't as real or important as that of cis women. There have already been some uterus transplants for cis women, and the extra medical hurdles for bringing that to trans women are not insurmountable
We just need people to care enough to actually develop these techniques with us in mind as well as cis women and other people who were assigned female at birth. The only thing standing between me and other trans women being able to bear our own children is transphobia
So please talk about this and raise awareness of this issue!!! We deserve to have the chance to experience pregnancy too
Hey also a bonus fun fact:

In 1940's Berlin, before the rise of the nazi party and the destruction of the institute of sexual knowledge and all their research, a trans woman did recieve a uterus transplant. She died from complications or infections or something two months later
Uterus transplants for trans women aren't even unprecedented. The progress in that area was intentionally destroyed by the nazis 80 years ago

It's about time we started back up with that work, yeah? Setting us back 80 years is enough, let's not let the nazis set us back 90 years
I'm obviously not trying to lessen what Spears is going through. I'm just saying "if you care about this, then please care about this too"
I just really need people who aren't trans women here to not miss the point with me mentioning Spears, this isn't about her

This is about how people who have sympathy for cis women unable to get pregnant, then turn around and tell us we're "lucky" for "not getting" periods
People give us unwanted CONGRATULATIONS on our infertility. Isn't that super fucked up????

Yet that seems reasonable to cis women who want to reassert that they're "true" women compared to us because we "don't go through" shit

We do. We go through a lot of shit
But more than that: womanhood is not defined by how shitty you're treated, or how awful periods are, or anything like that

It's all just a symptom of transmisogyny

Anyway, reproductive justice is reproductive justice for trans women too!! Fight for us too please
(I maaayyy have gotten the numbers slighty wrong in this tweet aha ha 👉🏻👈🏻😅)
Terfs found this so muting lol bye byeeee
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