Look at my face! That’s the face of a guy who (1) looks funny, and (2) loves $ASAN Asana! Why? Pride of ownership. (Stay with me here, I’m going somewhere different that I promise will help you make a decision.) I was the first person on my block or in my town to use… 1/
…Asana $ASAN – I had to scour the entire world for a SaaS project and task management tool that I was convinced would be nearly impossible for users to not love, and of course that’s a big task in and of itself. Why am I qualified to do this? I’m a lifelong IT human who… 2/
…led product, user experience, and design teams. Even worse, because of this I knew that most of what was out there was on some level, crap. Tools like these need to at minimum be (1) easy to start using, (2) hard to not want to use all the time, (3) simple and intuitive… 3/
…(some use a term for this: “lightweight”), (4) able to grow with the user’s growing needs/scope as they become “at home” with the app. From the go, $ASAN has taken the $AAPL approach of stripping every need down the its essence, choosing to leave out complex bells and… 4/
…whistles while ensuring adjacent functionality can be surfaced if the user wants it. This is NOT easy work (trust me, I’ve tried and failed at it myself way more than once). Fast forward to what we’re seeing with $ASAN customer growth and why you should consider owning… 5/
…it if you haven’t already. Here’s yesterday’s results that The Snark sees as important, to keep things simple and give you only what you need: 12% quarter to quarter sequential growth and 61% year over year growth (The Snark buys and holds companies with at least… 6/
10% and 50%, respectively. We call these the Snark Magic Numbers™. (And we use ™ anytime we feel like it too, if you’re curious.) $ASAN fwd guidance was also raised substantially, paying customer data shows growth where we want to see it, etc – but this is still Twitter so… 7/
While we’re on it, please follow me (I’ll follow you too if I don’t already and you’d like me to). I’m new to Twitter and to sharing my ideas with a larger world. Your endorsement of my odd but useful #fintwit #SaaS angles is important for me. I want more Snarks! Thanks kindly.
You can follow @marketsnarkin.
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