Wondering some notable differences between BNPL installment payment services? Here’s a basic comparison between Affirm $AFRM Afterpay $AFTPF in response to @Chris67076278 question – follow the subtweets below this one: 1/
Payment structure: Afterpay $AFTPF sets its repayments usually into four parts, and payments are scheduled every two weeks. Affirm $AFRM schedules payments monthly and tends to have them scheduled further out because their average ticket value us much higher than Afterpay’s. 2/
Late payments: Afterpay $AFTPF charges a $10 late payment free plus $7/week thereafter. A central part of Affirm $AFRM customer messaging is that they’ll never charge late fees – a big reason consumers have grown to distrust or dislike conventional credit cards. 3/
Partners and market positioning: Afterpay $AFTPF tends to be tied to more lower ticket value, lower market companies while Affirm $AFRM began by aligning itself with higher end cos with higher ticket value items like $PTON $LULU etc. 4/
It’s that last point that we think matters most from an investor perspective. If Affirm $AFRM has already locked in so many prominent aspirational brands and is about to become Shopify $SHOP de facto installment provider for Shop Pay checkout, if we’re a company looking to… 5/
...add BNPL services we want to be affiliated with Affirm. Consumers ❤️ $AFRM as evidenced by their very high Net Promoter Score in the coveted $AAPL $PTON range, their marketing approach is innovative and aligned with some of the most trusted and loved brands on Earth. 6/END
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