Thread regarding the catastrophe of western Muslims.

I think it's prudent we start at the begining, why are there Muslims in the west? Most of them are immigrants or the children/grandchildren of immigrants, and this is the beginning of the problem. One must ask, why did these
Immigrants leave their Muslim countries for Kaffir countries? And for the most part it was a desire for money. The very fact that these Muslims did something haram by immigrating to a Kaffir country shows that these people were either rebellious against Allah or ignorant.
In my estimation most of them were just ignorant and that's not without problem. So you have these ignorant people moving to the west for money, and then they have kids. These children can't really be taught much by their parents as their parents are ignorant nor is it their
Parents priority to teach them. Rather the priority of the parent is to advance their child's martial life, so they send them to school. In these schools the child is raised to love fisq and kufr. When the child is at home they're busy watching TV or some show or some Kaffir
Dancing in front of a screen. These stuff will often show kufr, and this is a big issue as if someone is pleased with kufr they have committed kufr. So the child who grows up accustomed to this will, when he hits puberty, see no problem with it and be pleased with it thus exiting
Islam. And this is the case for many. Now the child may experience some form of Islamic education, this education will often be shallow and not enough to counteract the bad influence of his deadbeat parents, school, and entertainment, as such the child will lack seriousness in
Religion. So even if the child does learn about the religion, it will always be filtered such that he reinterprets it to fit his modern lifestyle. This explains the modern preachers, it's not just a coincidence that they all lack ghayrah for the religion. They are merely a
Product of this sick cycle. You think it's an accident that they all shout "where's your wisdom" when you manifest the truth that clashes with their western values? You don't see them shout that when you manifest the truth that doesn't contradict western values. Knowingly or
Unknowingly, these people are changing the religion bit by bit.

So how do we fix this? Well I wouldn't imagine it within our ability to fix it at a grand scale, but we can do somethings. For one we can personally not partake in it. We don't immigrate from Muslim land to Kaffir
Land! We don't, if we find ourselves in Kaffir land or even many Muslim countries, send our kids to public school! We don't put our kids in front of a screen because we're too lazy to raise them! We don't ourselves watch kufr! We don't priorities making money! We prioritise study
Of the religion! We try to prevent more Muslims from immigrating to the west, leaving Muslim land for kaffir land! Muslim bans? Great Idea! And we definitely don't support the preachers who are a product of this mess. We isolate ourselves from the people, so that we can
Be free from their evil. This is what we do! We must recognise that there is a lost generation, and we shouldn't become too emotional over them. And let me tell you, it's only going to get worse, so roll up your sleeves and get to work.
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