Historically, EdTech has been limited by a B2B model predicated on low prices and bland content.

My time at @MasterClass showed me the potential of D2C EdTech that is:

🏠 Practical
🎯 Targeted
👐 Social
đŸ§± Structured
đŸ€Ą Fun
💳 Affordable

Some favorite recent examples:
🏠 The days of building a house with your bare hands are largely behind us, but this “How To Read Blueprints,” class from a startup called @mt_copeland is helping train the next generation of tradespeople.


👐 Whether you’re interested in the “Political Philosophy of Kanye West” or the etiquette of ending a relationship via ghosting, @lolalafia's Schefs has a course taught by the most thoughtful Gen-Zers out there.


💳 Plato’s teachings haven’t changed much in thousands of years, yet tuition costs for most “Intro to Philosophy” classes have outpaced the price of inflation.

Enter @outlier_org which combines A+ profs and portable college credits earned online.


This is only the most general survey of interesting developments happening at the intersection of media and matriculation.

If you’re pushing the boundaries of #EdTech in these ways, or any others, please reach out so we can schedule office hours.

You can follow @hillarycbush.
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