// the history is just fighting ever hear the saying history repeats itself? Look what's going on now in the world while we are nice and safe eating crisps and drinking our monsters we do not realise that people are age are suffering the least you can do is educate yourself
about what's going on to help spread awareness and check your source and origin to make sure the information is not false or one sided make sure it's trusted and a decent amount of people can confirm the information. remember even the smallest thing can make the biggest
difference tell me if I was to bake a cake and I added in a little bit of baking soda and the were cupcakes would the mixture not stick to the cupcake cases? and you thought it wouldn't have made a difference? well you are wrong we need to stand for one and all at times like this
we may be teens, roleplay accounts, fan account and many more but one thing we all have in common is that it's our world and with our people look at us do you not feel mad when someone beats up your best friend? do you not say "leave my friend alone"? well do it for
the friends you have not met yet this is our world we must defend cause I wouldn't like it if someone just walked into my house and kicked me out on the streets to sleep imagine the kids babies even we are all of rights but basic living rights are being violated just like that?
forgive me if I am wrong but we all have the right to a home? a right to life? a right to a family? come on get a grip wake up and see the light end the fights then make it right
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