Thread 1-6
1) Lock-downs, supply shortages, cyber attacks, transportation log jambs, all have one thing in common....INFLATION!
2) The IMF through its international banking arm and its federal/big tech/pharma conglomerate is forcing the masses to be more dependent on federal/state financial assistance so they can roll in their Techno-Marxist UBI digital currency system before the whole scheme unravels.
3) Destroying free markets is how they transfer sovereign power to their new corrupt system. This is all about the consolidation/preservation of centralized economic power. The IMF/CB's have always controlled the debt fiat money supply.
4) Devolution of the Deep State is a long tedious painful process; there is no magic button to push. I believe the conservative strategy is to pass so much legislation at the state level that the federal government has essentially no control over them.
5) Passing new legislation for improved election integrity is a massive blow to the leverage of the globalist establishment. This is exactly how the country must be rebuilt in order to preserve the Constitution and its conservative foundation.
6) Secede without the actually seceding. That is the goal and it requires strong conservative legislatures, governors and people to generate this sovereign movement and to build on its momentum.
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