Vitamins are essential. Your health should be your first and biggest priority. Now, I am not a health guru. I am not a doctor and I am in no way medically inclined. But, what I can say is that through much research I now heavily rely on a great vitamin regimen.
Sometimes, especially, for black women, doctors do not know AND do not listen to what it is that black women need health wise. Our health is in our own hands.
With that being said, many of our health issues can be dealt with managed with organic vitamins. Sadly, not all doctors are interested in a more natural and holistic approach. Thankfully, I am secure enough in my own research.
Doing your own research will start to be your best way to improve your health. You can gain so much knowledge just from a simple google search. Also, you will ALWAYS get the bad reviews on the internet. This means that you are armed with the good and the bad.
In my experience, I have not had any intolerable side effects. Most side effects I can tolerate. For example, B - Complex makes your urine a bright, almost neon, yellow until your body has completely used and flushed out what it no longer needs.
It's super weird at first, but it is not something that would make me stop taking it. My experiences are just that though, my own. They have all been positive.
So if nothing else, I hope I have convinced you to take a look at the benefits of different vitamins. Google a small problem that you are dealing with and research vitamins that could help. Chip away at your health issues one vitamin at a time.
Also, if you are looking for a good multivitamin, I will tell you check out Olly.
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