Since fake,negative,SAME-WordtoWord,copypasted posts from yxh accounts have plagued #TheLongBallad cuz others r fucking terrified of its quality.I'll be posting positive blog posts too;to help ppl see how REAL opinions are worded irl. #Dilireba #DilrabaDilmurat #长歌行 #迪丽热巴
(1)When a passerby-dramachaser falls in love with #GeSun & ACTUALLY analyses the dialogue & scenes,expresses frustration with character's choices..detailed discussion proves its REAL ..conti:
(2)conti:The jokes about characters & endearing terms for the characters along with the frustration make these opinions real over those endlessly repeated "Netizens say Dilrabas styling too old,zls more fragrant"1-liners. #TheLongBallad #Dilireba #DilrabaDilmurat #长歌行
Here's another real viewer agonising over the pitiful state of the Young Khan & how he's controlled or bulldozed by others...Also, lowkey shipping Mimi & She'er. #TheLongBallad #DilrabaDilmurat #Dilireba #长歌行 #WuLei #LeoWu #迪丽热巴
(2) A poetic progression of a passerby hater to a fan, hoping for #Dilraba's success in the future...solely due to falling in love with Li ChangGe #DilrabaDilmurat #Dilireba #迪丽热巴 #长歌行 #TheLongBallad
Another viewer compiling a list of their favourite plot-points from the show & how they have the potential to become a classic in cdramaland #DilrabaDilmurat #Dilireba #迪丽热巴 #长歌行 #TheLongBallad #WuLei #LeoWu
Dont fully undrstnd this article bt my guess is that the writer is making a humourous re-interpretation of various scenes of #TheLongBallad maybe mandarin speakers can explain. @mm13206984 @winniexxbinnie
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