@nadhimzahawi I’ve read only over 50 or over 70 will get booster jabs in autumn? If felt needed. I am extremely clinical vulnerable and have had both vaccines and unfortunately produced low levels of antibodies. But I’m 41. My healthy 52 yr old brother would get but not me?
This is obviously incredibly distressing surely if you need it you need it no matter your age. 80/90 yr olds were getting better lab results than me. I’m also high risk daughter at school . Husband eventually will commute and be in huge poorly ventilated building @CMO_England
Surely say extremely cloning vulnerable too surely they are more important than the general population over over 50/70!!! Also historically I run out of vaccine protection miles earlier than normal ( immunodeficiency) please respond right now I have no hope
*clinically not cloning - typo. @Jeremy_Hunt please see this thread ( you are my mp)
Surely if your gp or consultant feels you need it you need it???!!! It’s ludicrous my 3 brothers are 50 ish my mother 70 fit as fiddles
I’m happy to pay if needs like people pay for foreign shots but to be totally unprotected right now I’m feeling suicidal am heavily sedated as have shielded since Feb 2020 and had my vaccines yet vvv low antibodies score Snd history says I lose them quick yet might not get help?
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