3. Local leadership - ward councillors, councils, mayors, Wales. Rooted & visible

4. Homegrown answers based on local identity. If answers just papering over cracks, need to think bigger

5. In diverse communities, bring people together, find solutions where everyone gains

6. Don't just think in terms of compassion & empirical equality - fairness, contribution, mutuality, community

7. Patriotism that's instinctive & unstudied, but not Tory-lite. The left elsewhere combines love of nation & yearning for change

8. Learn from Biden. Reassure on values, culture & demeanour AND bold economic programme

a Side-step culture war purity tests, occupy lots of space on the values axis of politics
b Stay left on economics. Can't compete as centrists against Tories with incumbency advantage

9. Now make the offer big & clear. Go green, investment, skills, tax reform, power to workers & unions, big boost to social security

10. But economic offer must sound grounded not scary or ideological. Message & messengers credible & safe: security, good work, bright future

11. Show how hands-on government helps business not just workers. In working-class seats we need to win self-employed, SME-owners, middle managers. Crude dividing-lines don't serve us or reflect reality

A lot more in @thefabians #HeartsAndMinds report
6/6 https://fabians.org.uk/publication/hearts-and-minds/
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