The charitable interpretation of this word salad is that the Queen's Speech isn't the place where government actually sets out priorities/tradeoffs or measurable success criteria - that's for the promised White Paper. In that spirit, what might this actually mean..?
Improving living standards and growing the private sector, especially where it is weak?

Fair enough. Living standards (as opposed to productivity) quite equal across regions -less so within. So this is mostly about poverty? Key test is Universal Credit (as @johnmcternan said)
Growing private sector? True public sector is larger share of economy in North than London (suggesting relocating civil servants not much of a policy!). This can at least be measured!
"Spreading opportunity because while talent is equally distributed opportunity is not". This is correct and important! Crucially, it implies equalising*opportunity* means equalising *outcomes* (at least by place of birth, race and gender).
So if this means anything it should mean hard, measurable targets on reducing disparities, particularly in education, employment and pay - by place of birth, race, gender, disability. That would really be "levelling up'
And how to do it? By "creating good jobs, training, increasing productivity". Well, yes. That's the hard bit.. (ENDS)
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