If Donald Trump were president the lead story on every news program would be: his failed Middle East policy, precipitating a possible war; his failed economic/Covid policy, precipitating Carter-level inflation; his work as a Russian agent to allow cyber attacks on our...
...most vital infrastructure (gasoline pipelines); precipitating a catastrophic domino effect on everything from gas prices to transportation to food to basic services. There would be live shots from every gas line in every major city and human interest stories of minorities...
...and small businesses unable to function due to a combination of all above. The stories would not be straight news and reporting on the current events - they would be unending attacks on Trump and his policies. There would be cable host monologues reminding us that they...
...warned us of the perils of electing an amateur to the highest office in the land, and OpEds predicting economic doom and gloom due entirely to Trump and his ignorance of the effects stimulus checks and unemployment incentives have on what should be an historical recovery...
...from the Covid debacle. They would have a running list of the percentage of schools and businesses yet to open due to his inability to convince everyone to get vaccinated, and reports from foreign correspondents in every foreign capitol city describing the angst and concern...
...of our allies in the face of unrest in the Middle East and the possibility of a global oil crisis. It would be a continuously-updated report card on Trump failures, and every GOP congressman and senator would be stalked in the hallways for a forced comment on his failed...
...policies and their plans to stand up to him to turn it all around. Everyone reading this knows everything above is true, yet none of it is happening today. Half of the country is quietly pleased that it's not - they, like the media, are willfully blind to the failures of...
...their anointed leader for no other reason than to protect and defend their wisdom in working together to elect Joe Biden. They don't care about you, the economy, the Middle East, or about the debilitating long-term implications of giving away free money in return for votes.
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