when will arabs understand that black arabs literally exist I fucking hate all of them so much
My grandfather was an afro-iraqi but because of all the predujce most afro-iraqi don’t think they’re black… a lot of Kuwaitis are black LOCALS that have existed on this land for as long as all other Kuwaitis I hate y’all so much
arab is NOT a race like America tells u there are brown, black, mongoloid and multiracial arabs. There are BLACK NATIVE arabs (these r Jordanians)
and since I’m fucking tired of this erasure I’ll go ahead and tell y’all that the arabic culture and language are all black african in origin.
Our royal family originally was mostly blacks until they started marrying white women lol
This is a true blood sabah..
Yeah I’m on a roll today because I’m fucking tired of this place erasing the history of original BLACK arabs…. Most people today look white because of all the mixed blood with syria and iran… most the senior Kuwaitis and Iraqis are afro
moral of this thread all original Arabs were afros and afro mixed with other blood and it is known that arabs don’t have a race but the least you can do is not erase your fucking ancestors….
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