Eid is in like 2-3 days and you sit in your homes, feeling all comfy and at ease while your brothers and sisters in Palestine, the people who did nothing wrong to deserve all of this, cry on the death of their loved ones and the only thing they can hear, is the sound of blasts+
And guns, the only sky they can see, is the one filled with fires and bullets. Yet you decide to do nothing about it, not even making the slightest effort that may make a teensy bit of a change just because you don't want to be political, then no one cares, I repeat, NO ONE in+
Their right minds care about your existence. Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Syria, Lybia and idk how many Muslim countries have gone through years and years of shit and you don't raise your voice against it just because you do not want to be political??? Or maybe there is no humanity+
Left inside you. Maybe you don't believe that something like this can happen to your families too. Maybe you really think that it's normal for Muslims to go through this shit all the time. I don't even know if someone cares to read this thread, all I know is that whatever's+
Happening in Palestine, it's called terrorism. And this time, it's AGAINST Muslims. You cannot compare one act of violence with another but when we said that black lives matter, we said that to create a sense of equality, didn't we? Where's everyone's equality now that Muslims+
Are the ones facing terrorism??? Where's your equality? I think most importantly, where's your humanity?
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