just realized taemin has that pic of him kissing himself behind im in lrt
literally iconic marketing 10/10
press my number is also homoerotic (with himself) as his criminal. 9li just think he has a point
press your number* sorry everyone
what the fuck is 9li
anyway press your number is especially woke bc its trying to make us think he like wants to fuck this white girl but then he was the girl all along idk man
taemin out here kidnapping himself and being in an abusivr relationship with himself
who does it like him
in criminal theyre never in the same shot together but theres one taemin who is the criminal and one who is the victim who is in love with him
idk why i forgot ut this thread continues through idea obviously tho i think theres a third taemin now who is the idea
idea and criminal are both about really unhealthy relationships... and its rly good :"/
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