The state of mental health treatment in the UK is pathetic.

I never got my PTSD, BP, or ADHD diagnosed in the UK. I was simply told I was, "a bit isolated."

The assessment started with a pointed "Why do you *think* you're depressed?"

Her decision was made before I talked.
Nobody else ever helped either. And so many doctors make weight a cause of all problems rather than a symptom (if it's even a problem for the patient).

So I, like many people, blamed my problems on "laziness" or being "broken" because doctors kept telling me it was my fault.
I spent 20 years after being told I wasn't even depressed confused as to why I couldn't motivate, concentrate, etc. I'd been essentially convinced I was just a shit person.

Weirdly, it took a doctor in *Mississippi* to accurately pinpoint my problems.

Took him five minutes.
This is not to say the USA is inherently better, fuck no. Its medical "industry" is disgusting and evil.

But at least I found people here who helped. My experience in the UK has been blame and sadism *uniformly*.
UK culture is cruel. It's not just callous and unfeeling. So much of it is born from outwardly gleeful contempt for those who struggle.

I know this comes from a place of personal hurt, but I truly hated every day on that fucking island and I've not been back in over 10yrs.
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