Ethereum $ETH vibe check with a little help from @glassnode👇
1/ Active addresses firmly in ATH area, but not (yet) in vertical mode. Is this autumn 2017?
2/ Transactions exploded to new highs in April 2021. Uniswap is responsible for approx. 15% of those 🤯
3/ Contracts and pools are gobbling up the $ETH supply. 12.5% of the ETH float lives in exchange wallets vs 22.5% of it in smart contracts.
4/ Accounts with balances under 1 ETH are growing fast and 50% of those roughly map to new addresses.
5/ 99% of $ETH addresses are in profit. Everybody happy.
6/ Volume and open interest on $ETH futures and options at eye-popping highs.
7/ $ETH staked in eth2 has crossed the 4M mark.
8/ Ok, so interest and activity are marking up and to the right. But so is the cost of operating on Ethereum.

In USD terms it's 54x more expensive to transact compared to just a year ago.
9/ Invariably, miners are making bank. Fees collected sit at all time highs–at an average of $27.5 daily.
10/ But also, hashrate has almost doubled in 2021. Incentives, eh?!
11/ Blocks pack more information in than they ever did before, thanks to miners increasing the block size to 15M gas.
12/ And after a brief pause, Ethereum's *network effect density* is picking back up.
12/ Idk what you gauge from this, but my sense is that...
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