Im embarking on a risky tweet thread today. I want to talk about how hate is learnt in the Singaporean context by the majority Chinese race. This example is anecdotal, but I think it's an opportunity to illustrate how the Family and the State produces racism and bigotry here.
When I was about 7 or 8, I imitated the Letitia Bongnino caricature, a racist stereotype of Filipina FDWs, which was played by Michelle Wong, a chinese woman, from The Noose. It was pure imitation, as I was a child copying something I passively watched on television.
As a child, I would mimic that racist stereotype, without realizing its implications, to my family. In response my chinese family found delight in their child that was innocently performing a racist caricature, to the point where they would tell me to speak to other FDWs that way
Particularly, my family wanted me to repeat derogatory things in the racist performance of a Filipina FDW. Specifically, asking for higher salaries, pretending that I hadn't stolen something, etc. This was the point where imitation, as a child, started transforming into prejudice
This means that firstly, the State had produced media-content that was racist and used derogatory ethnic stereotypes (The Noose was produced by Mediacorp). I was inducted into that racism, as a non-participant. As a small child, you do not hinge what you see on TV to reality yet.
After that induction and familiarity towards racist and bigoted stereotypes, a child learns *racism* when it is applied by their close relations. You start to form false connections between racist stereotypes and reality, which is distorted by the prejudice immediately around you
I was fortunate enough to grow up with Donna, who kindly taught me that what I was doing was hurtful & wrong. Thankfully that was enough to recalibrate my reality as a child. But that doesn't change the fact that her employers, my parents, were racist, which added to her struggle
I think that the implicit collaboration between the State (and its resistance to progress) and the Family has formed a deep, cankerous bigotry and racism within Singapore. After all, what we can see is evidence of casual racism spanning decades, sponsored by the State in media.
The condescension and devaluing of Malay and Indian Singaporeans is *constant* in State rhetoric, for decades, and is more explicit than most of us think. You must understand that derogatory ethnic stereotypes like Letitia Bongnino carry the implicit message of chinese supremacy.
the confluence of casual racism in State media and the categorical racism by the State (refer to CMIO model & things LKY has iterated about ethnicity) produces not only racist & bigoted attitudes - it acts as confirmation to chinese-sgeans that it these attitudes are *correct*
However, the ripple effect goes both ways. I was raised by Donna & i loved her, so I resisted the racist egging-on by my parents in whatever capacity I had as an 8y/o, which continues til now. By this point I have managed to educate my parents on racism, who also want to learn.
this isn't bc my parents are english-educated - they only speak chinese, so it was a struggle. other factors, of course, such as the BLM movement enlightened them. They still hold some problematic values which I intend to engage them with but, what i'm trying to articulate is
that there is literally no barrier for chinese people to start these conversations with their family. it can take a long time, but you must start now. it is an ethical duty.
This is a moment where chinese people MUST take on ownership for the racism of their close relations. A hate crime occurred in SG, but it happens everyday- in comments sections, private WhatsApp chats, in legislation.

Start now. Nothing is stopping you besides your own fear.
PS. in no way do I want to center myself as a chinese person. However, I just hope this thread helps articulate to other chinese people who are resistant to anti-racist allyship, that they gotta stop bullshitting and start being brave, which is the only decent thing to do
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