People will associate AuthLeft hate with being "terminally online" (which really is a testament to where/what most tankies are spending their time on and, for that reason, I don't see them as any kind of threat either). That being said, the problem lies...

not in whatever "actions" they plan irl, because we know they don't, but instead that genocide denial is usually seen by the left as a difference of opinion, rather than the erasing of entire peoples, cultures, and struggles from history...

You would not associate yourself with someone who denied the holocaust, why should this be the exception? Especially when these are also well documented historical events. It shouldn't fly. This is also to say nothing of the blatant "x get the wall" remarks...

that you see everywhere as well, as if it isn't a parallel to many atrocities the right has committed. If you aren't committed to restorative, non-punitive forms of justice you are not/should not be welcome here. The same goes for the genocide denial.

You'll see tankies side with almost any nation that is in opposition to the US, regardless of what they've done/did and, in the same breath, accuse others of having a purely "western outlook" as if supporting anyone fighting the US in itself isn't western/America-centric.

Before I rant and go into thousands of nuances (that aren't really that nuanced) about how the AuthLeft is absurdly hypocritical and harmful to the rest of us, in the past or in the present, my thesis here is: stop allowing tankies to bring their hate into our spaces.

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