The notion behind this is that legacy Organisations ( typically fall to ‘Diminishing Spirals’ of learning, as opposed to maintaining a momentum and energy around learning (
The four aspects i focus on here relate to ‘Learning’, ‘Failure’, ‘Interconnection’, and ‘Opportunity’ - it’s not intended as a definitive view, but rather a sketch.
This will be held in an active process, as well as specific leadership capability, and distributed team capability. This may be the hardest part of the model, as it is also bound by culture.
The key connection here is ‘Interconnected’ - as part of an ability to be Big Loop, they must have open storytelling and trust connections between all divergent tribal structures.
Hence they are ‘Unconstrained by Domain’ (that word ‘Domain’ is the one i use to describe legacy Organisations).
the distributed strength of the Organisation.

I will continue to build out this work over the next few days.
You can follow @julianstodd.
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