What does Hamas want?
In almost every previous escalation & war, group that rules #Gaza wanted tangible “things”: money, aid, loosening of blockade, greater access/mvmnt, etc. I've written about it countless times - 'logic' behind Hamas rocket fire. No such asks now.

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2. Tensions & clashes in Jerusalem during Ramadan formed backdrop to this round. Israel late in understanding scope of unrest & de-escalating

But Netanyahu did so yday - taking steps that at least contained violence, esp on Jlem Day. Paying a price for this from his Right.
3. Palestinians “won” Jerusalem Day yday: Sheikh Jarrah court decision postponed, Jews barred from Temple Mount, flag parade re-routed & then canceled. Afternoon was relatively calm, shops in Muslim Quarter stayed open, Ramadan proceeded normally. Then Hamas fired rockets on Jlem
4. This was purposeful escalation (not miscalculation). Ultimatum issued prior was unrealistic & never going to be accepted. Predictable results that we’re seeing now. Q is why? Political calculations likely at play:
-Internal Hamas
-Palestinian arena
-Domestic Israeli, possibly
5. Clear Hamas wants to link Gaza rockets to Jlem - portray itself as ‘defender’ of Jlem, embarrass Fatah, destabilize Jlem/West Bank. Fine

But when this rounds ends nothing will have changed except dead on both sides, but primarily Gaza. Pure politics - cynical & lethal. FIN
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