Should I rant about all the ways that journo intern thread is horrible or stfu
For starters, I very strongly believe that it IS important to have discussions about the way that news is consumed by young people. Instagram meme pages are 1000% the worst way to understand any issue.
But I think that thread is a bit humiliating. Was it intended to be? I doubt it. If I was one of those interns who came across it, would I cry for three hours straight? Definitely. Could there be a better way to talk to these kids about the points discussed? Again, yes.
Secondly, is it correct to push all of the blame on those kids? Is it not an ecosystem that has been created, don't we all contribute to it? Is dissing on them on a public platform helping anyone at all? Is it going to change the way they consume news?
How many of these internships pay well, if pay at all? Are you not gatekeeping when you are limiting who can afford to intern for you? There is no attempt at any diversity, right? Is it not exclusionary to begin with?
The interns he spoke of seem like they are either in college or have just finished. It is ok for people to identity their interests as they grow. It is ok to be dumb in college, feel guilty later, and work on getting better. Can we please normalise growing and learning?
Shitting on kids for not being equipped with general knowledge is just not a good look, dude. This could very well be their first internships. I can't even begin to think about all the things I didn't know before my first internship.
Also I could be wrong but parts of that thread felt highly out of context. Also pls don't underestimate what nervousness and interview fright can do to you. With this thread, you are just making the process more intimidating.
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