It was so devastating to see what's happening to Palestinians😭 Please use your platform. Rt/tweet about this matter is such a big help to spread awareness! Let's stand with Palestine and keep them in our prayers🙏
#SavePalestine #FreePalestine #SaveSheikhJarrah #PrayForPalestine
To educate yourself and know more about this topic, check out this carrd. There are also ways on how to help 
If you see this carrd, please DO NOT use and spread it. It propels the zionist propaganda
I saw this thread so I wanted to share it too
If you can't donate funds, you can help by just clicking the link! It's free and it only takes a few seconds. You can help once every 24 hours so please take a minute to do it 🥺
You can also donate by watching these youtube videos just please don't skip the ads for donations

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