Our Editorial commenting on the @Reuters Hot List is out: 'Equity in climate scholarship: a manifesto for action'.

We argue that researchers from the Global South and Global North are competing with unequal weapons and this needs to be acknowledged.

https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17565529.2021.1923308?src= https://twitter.com/schipper_lisa/status/1384843457596956672
As #scholars, we offer suggestions for things that we can do to ensure greater equity in climate scholarship:
1. Actively citing scholars from the Global South.
2. Actively citing female scholars.
3. Citing across disciplines
4. Actively seeking out Global South co-authors
As journal #editors, we call on other journal editors (and hold ourselves accountable) to:
1. Diversifying the Editorial Board.
2. Diversifying reviewers
3. Expediting reviews where necessary for authors from under-represented backgrounds.
We call on #AcademicPublishers including our own @tandfenviro to:
1. Waive publishing fees for authors from the Global South.
2. Make double-blind reviewing standard.
3. Offer free journal access to institutions in the Global South.
4. Provide support to Global South authors.
These actions are just a drop in the bucket toward more #equity in climate #scholarship, we know, and we encourage more transformational thinking beyond this.

What additional actions do YOU think we - as global knowledge producers on climate - need to be calling for?
Brilliant co-authors, editors of @ClimDevJournal Jon Ensor, @aditimukherji @Totin001 @minalpathak1 @AMirzabaev @BlaneHarvey @tommytanner @ZShawoo @pantwiagyei Arabella Fraser, Matthias Garschagen.
Ping me if you need access to the piece (irony of ironies). Will try to make OA
You can follow @schipper_lisa.
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