I've managed to hold my tongue for so long, but holy fuck Indian academia. From forcing students to meet deadlines as they or their loved ones battle with Covid, listening to sick students cough as they present, to hounding students to provide docs as proof of illness.
I hear of new lows in heartlessness and callousness everyday. What is the point of assignment submissions if you won't have students to teach next semester?!
My friend who has been sick for weeks and is currently on saline was just instructed by a prof. to submit her assignments asap. He also asked, why didn't you call us up when you were sick?
These guys can take the mind body divide to a whole new level. They call themselves social scientists but what meaningful scholarship can emerge from such a zombie-like approach to our current reality, devoid of all empathy and compassion?
Such a cold-blooded drive to keep on working in the face of unprecedented tragedy and suffering can only produce a system of burnt-out, self-serving vultures.
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