//the power of cognition

started with ann and ryuji's regular discussion about ren's cattyness and traits, next time they went to metaverse joker has a pair of cat ears and cat tail. mona called it cognition effect. joker acted like it's normal. ann and ryuji were excited+
it continued until yusuke joined. the first heist after yusuke joined, the cat ears/tail were gone. ann and ryuji thought it was due to madarame's palace but after many brainstormings, the reason was because yusuke didn't see joker as the catboy the way the blonds did+
thus stopping the cognition effect. starting from yusuke, it became part of PT's new member inauguration to drill why "joker is a cat" is important to their team moral. it was easy to convince yusuke as he could see joker's cat-like grace. makoto was more challenging+
but showing her how joker was weirdly captivated by the dryer did the job. futaba was another easy job, she read fanfictions after all. haru and sumi jumped in right away with their own excited theories. akechi? he was entire league. speaking about catboy joker rendered him+
speechless, then followed by flustered denials about said topic. tho it didn't matter anyway because convincing akechi or not, joker stayed a catboy in metaverse. futaba sus that akechi had been thinking of ren's cattiness long before them... wth did I just write
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