Unpopular opinion: attending rallies is performative activism if you aren't backing causes to tackle the root of the problem ie: holding your state reps/senators accountable for the policies they back.
I see so many people reposting these triggering videos of what's happening in Palestine but how many people have boycotted companies that are complicit in apartheid? Don't feel sad for Palestinians while stocking up on Sabra hummus.
And I get it- all this is a ton to process. It's an overwhelming amount of info to digest and understand. But I'm honest to God tired of the binge posting of triggering videos with NO call to action or information. It's lazy activism and it isn't helping anyone
So, CTA for this thread is text RESIST to 50409 to demand your state rep in Congress to support bill H.R 2590 to prohibit US taxpayer dollars from funding the abuse of Palestinian children, land theft, and ethnic cleansing.
You can follow @ruba2502.
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