I think one of the most consistent issues I see with writing advice on here is that successful people who have been successful for a while tend to generalize their experience to those trying to break in.

What works for an established writer won’t always work for a new one.
I think they do this because they don’t want to or haven’t thought to fully reckon with how much their perspective has shifted. They’re still an underdog in their mind.

It’s hard to take that step back for perspective as your world slowly shifts toward success. But you have to.
And of course this is related to the other common issue of not acknowledging just how much one’s chances of success, access, and “luck” are influenced by race, gender, sexuality, whether or not one is disabled...
And to be fair, I fully admit to falling into these lapses too. That’s why I always couch everything in “this is my experience”.

That’s also why I always do my best to be specific, only answer what I feel I can with any confidence and make sure folks understand ymmv.
A very good rule of thumb I try to follow when giving advice on here is to avoid absolutes as much as possible.

I try to talk about patterns and general best practices. Discuss techniques and specific actions. And try not to simplify everything to generalized aphorisms.
Advice is awesome. I ❤️ how giving so many writers are on here. It can be easy to forget that advice is meant to help others, not elevate oneself. I’m trying to focus on effective ways to give practical advice to the best of my ability. Small pieces but hopefully they add up.
No one person has all the answers. That’s okay. No one person should or be expected to. And those seeking advice should look for a range of voices giving that advice. General paths emerge, and different voices means a better chance of specific perspective for your situation.
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