What are some Swift development blogs you visit often #iosdev?

I've shared a list of my recommended blogs before but now my focus is mostly on SwiftUI, Combine, and Core Data, so here are the blogs in my bookmark list that I enjoy reading
Swift by Sundell by @johnsundell

John writes weekly in-depth articles about Swift programming features, architectural patterns and how to structure and test code efficiently. Don't forget to check out this Discovery tab for more topic-focused articles

Hacking With Swift by @twostraws

If you're searching for something Swift-related, then chances are you'll find Paul's article as top search results. Paul blogs about various topics for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and covers new Swift release features.

The Swift Dev by @tiborbodecs

Tibor writes mostly about server-side & Vapor, and sometimes hardcore topics like C memory layout and compiler. Among that, I often find many of his iOS application development and Swift features articles interesting

Blog by @sarunw

Sarun catches my attention recently and he writes regularly about new Swift and iOS features. I also like some of his articles about experimenting with different configurations for formatters and navigation bars https://sarunw.com/ 
Five Stars by @zntfdr

I knew about Federico via his WWDC Notes project. Since then he has written more in-depth articles about SwiftUI that details internal mechanism of SwiftUI and different APIs we can explore

Swift with Majid by @mecid

Majid writes weekly about SwiftUI. I find every single SwiftUI feature has been talked about in his blog, where you can learn how to use gesture, command, accessibility and other SwiftUI elements

Yet Another Swift Blog by @V8tr

Vadim writes high-quality articles about Swift, SwiftUI, testing, and many techniques for iOS development. I learn some decent async testing techniques and functional programming concepts from his blog

SwiftUI Lab by @SwiftUILab

Javier writes very in-depth and high-quality articles that explore SwiftUI. If you want to learn more about SwiftUI features and APIs than there are written in Apple's official documentation, SwiftUI is the way to go.

SwiftLee by @twannl

Antoine writes often about Swift, iOS, Xcode tips and tricks. I also learn from his articles about Core Data and URLSession pitfalls and how to use them efficiently. I don't think I've missed any of his articles

Donny Wals blog by @DonnyWals

Donny 's blog is the go to source when it comes to Core Data, Combine and how to use Combine in SwiftUI 's context. I've applied many of the things I've learned from his blog into my apps.

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